<< < -ci cal Cal can Cap car cas cat cau cel cen cen cha cha cha che Chi chr cir cir civ Cla clo clu CNO coa coe coh col col col com com com com com com com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Coo cor cor cor cos cos cos cou cov cra cri cro cry cum cur cyc > >>
cross identification idâneš-e calipâyi Fr.: identification croisée The identification of an object in a data base or catalog and matching it with the same object identified in another catalog. → cross; → identification. |
cross product farâvard-e bordâri Fr.: produit vectoriel Same as → vector product. |
cross reference bâzbord-e dosuyé (#), ~ candsuyé (#) Fr.: référence croisée Reference from one part or element of a book or data catalog to something in another for further information. |
cross section sekanjgâh Fr.: 1) section plane; 2) section efficace 1) Math: The intersection of a plane with a geometric figure,
usually at right angles to an axis of symmetry. In classical mechanics, the cross section for the collision of a point particle with a hard sphere is just be the surface of a section through the middle of the sphere. This explains the name "cross section." → cross; → section. |
cross-dispersing spectrograph binâbnegâr bâ pâšeâš-e chalipaayi, ~ ~ ~ xâji Fr.: spectrographe à dispersion croisée A spectrograph that utilizes cross dispersion. → cross; → dispersion; → spectrograph. |
crosshairs târbast (#) Fr.: réticule A system of two perpendicular fine threads of wire placed in the focus of the eyepiece of an optical instrument and used as a sighting reference. Târbast, from târ + bast. The first component târ "thread, string, wire," cognate with tanidan, tan- "to spin, twist, weave," → tension; the second component bast "to bind; to arrange" (past stem of bastan, from Mid.Pers. bastan/vastan "to bind, shut," → band. |
crossing time zamân-e gozar (#) Fr.: temps de traversée A concept used for checking the stability of a group of mass such as a → cluster of galaxies or a → star cluster. The crossing time is given by tc = R/V, where R is the average projected radial distance of group members from the center of mass and V the Gaussian dispersion in internal velocity. |
crow zâq (#) Fr.: corneille Any of several large oscine birds of the genus Corvus, of the family Corvidae, having a long, stout bill, lustrous black plumage, and a wedge-shaped tail (Dictionary.com). O.E. crawe, imitative of the bird's cry; cf. O.Saxon kraia; Du. kraai; O.H.G. chraja; Ger. Kräke; L. corvus "a raven," Gk. korax; cognate with Pers. kalâq, → raven. Zâq "crow, raven," of unknown origin. |
crowd 1) capiré (#); 2) capiridan Fr.: 1) foule, multitude; 2) entasser 1a) A large number of persons gathered closely together; throng. M.E. crowden, from O.E. crudan "to press, crush;" akin to M.Du. cruden "to press, push," M.H.G. kroten "to press, oppress," Norwegian kryda "to crowd." Capiré (Dehxodâ), variants cabiré, capar "crowd, troop, people gathered for something." Capiré, from capir, from capar, ultimately from Proto-Ir. *ui-par-, from *par- "to fill;" cf. Av. pər- "to fill, stuff with," pouru- "full, much, many;" O.Pers. paru- "much, many;" Pers. anbâr "ricks, storehouse," por, bol "full, much, many;" PIE *pel- "to fill;" → population. |
crowded capirnâk, capiridé Fr.: encombré, bondé Filled so that there is little or no room for anyone or anything else. → crowded field. Past participle of → crowd. |
crowded field meydân-e capirnâk Fr.: champ encombré An area on the sky where a large number of objects, commonly stars, are seen gathered together, usually as revealed by imaging. |
crowding capireš, capirnâki Fr.: encombrement 1) The state or action of filling a particular place in large numbers. Verbal noun of → crowd. |
crowdsourcing capiré-xani Fr.: crowdsourcing The process of procuring needed services by soliciting a large group of people outside the demanding company, society, or institute. Two examples of crowdsourcing in astronomy involve → variable star studies and search for → meteorites. Combination of → crowd and → outsourcing. |
crown glass crown, šiše-ye ~ (#) Fr.: crown, crown-glass An optical, alkali-lime glass which is harder than → flint glass, and has a lower → index of refraction and lower → dispersion. It is used in the production of → compound lenses. Such named because of the crown-like shape given to the blank after the process of blowing the glass; M.E. coroune, from O.Fr. corone, from L. corona "crown," originally "wreath, garland;" cf. Gk. korone "anything curved, kind of crown;" → glass. |
Crussard curve xam-e Crussard Fr.: courbe de Crussard A curve, on the pressure versus specific volume plane, representing the locus of all the theoretically possible states that can be attained by the → detonation products of an → explosive. The Crussard curve relates to the → Hugoniot curve through a translation caused by the chemical energy liberated during the detonation. The Crussard curve consists of several portions characterizing various burning regimes: detonations (strong and weak), a forbidden region, and → deflagrations (weak and strong). Named after the French engineer Jules Louis Crussard (1876-1959), who conducted several pioneering studies in mining techniques, in particular on shock waves (Ondes de choc et onde explosive, Bulletin de la Société de l'industrie minérale de Saint-Etienne, 4e série, tome VI, 1907); → curve. |
crust pusté (#) Fr.: croûte Any more or less hard or stiff outer covering or surface. → Earth's crust. M.E., from O.Fr. crouste from L. crusta "rind, crust, shell, bark;" cf. Skt. krud- "make hard, thicken;" Av. xruzdra- "hard;" Gk. kryos "icy cold," krystallos "ice, crystal;" Lett. kruwesis "frozen mud;" O.H.G. hrosa "ice, crust;" O.E. hruse "earth;" PIE base *kreus- "to begin to freeze, form a crust." Pusté, → shell. |
Crux Calipâ (#) Fr.: Croix The Southern Cross. A small but brilliant → constellation in the southern hemisphere, at 12h 30m right ascension, 60° south declination. Also known as → Southern Cross. The constellation contains four bright stars so situated that they depict the extremities of a Latin cross. Abbreviation Cru; genitive Crucis. L. crux "cross, gibbet" is a rendering of the Gk. stauros "an upright stake or pole," in the Vulgate, the Latin translation of the Bible attributed to Saint Jerome at the end of the fourth century A.D. Calipâ, loanword from Aramean. |
cryogenics zamzâyik (#), zamzâyi (#) Fr.: cryogénie A branch of physics that studies the methods of producing very low temperatures (below 150 °C) and the behavior of materials and processes at those temperatures. From cryo- "freezing" + -gen(y) "having to do with production" +
-ics. Zamâzâyik, from zam "cold (weather)" + zâyi "generating"
+ -ik. |
cryostat zampâ (#) Fr.: cryostat An apparatus for maintaining an enclosed area at a stable low temperature especially below 0°C. Cryostat, from cryo- "freezing," → cryogenics + suffix → -stat. |
crystal bolur (#) Fr.: cristal A solidified substance in which the constituent atoms, ions, or molecules form a three-dimensionally periodic arrangement. O.E. cristal "clear ice, clear mineral," from O.Fr. cristal, from L. crystallum "crystal, ice," from Gk. krystallos, from kryos "frost," from PIE base *kreus- "to begin to freeze, form a crust," → cryogenics. Bolur, from Mid.Pers. bêlûr "crystal," Manichean Parthian bylwr, maybe of Indian origin, Pali veluriya- "a precious stone;" cf. Skt. vaidurya-, perhaps related to Tamil veliru, vilar "to become pale," or to the southern Indian city Velur, modern Belur. The Mid.Pers. word is perhaps the carrier between the Indian word and the Gk. beryllos, which has given rise to L. beryllus, O.Fr. beryl, E. beryl "the beryllium aluminum silicate, Be3Al2Si6O18." |
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