An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 67 Search : Dynamic

Fr.: aérodynamique   

Of or pertaining to → aerodynamics.


aerodynamic force
  نیروی ِ هواتوانیک   
niru-ye havâtavânik

Fr.: force aérodynamique   

The force exerted by a gaseous fluid upon a body completely immersed in it caused by their relative motion. The components of aerodynamic force are: → lift and → drag.

aerodynamic; → force.


Fr.: aérodynamique   

The science that is concerned with the study of the → motion of → air and other gaseous → fluids and with the → forces acting on bodies moving through such fluids.

Aerodynamics, from Gk. aero-, → air, + → dynamics.


Fr.: astrodynamique   

The science dealing with the motion of satellites, rockets, and spacecrafts. It uses the principles of celestial mechanics.

Astrodynamics, from → astro- "star" + → dynamics.

Axtartavânik, from axtar, → astro-, + tavânik, → dynamics.

Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB)
  زمان ِ توانیک ِ گرانیگاهی   
zamân-e tavânik-e gerânigâhi

Fr.: temps dynamique barycentrique (TDB)   

A time scale previously used in calculations of the orbits of solar system objects (planets, asteroids, comets, and interplanetary spacecrafts). It was based on the Terrestrial Dynamical Time, but took the relativistic effect of time dilation into account to move the origin to the solar system barycenter. It is now superseded by → Barycentric Coordinate Time (TCB).

barycenter; → dynamical; → time.

  رنگ توانیک   

Fr.: chromodynamique   

A → quantum field theory of the → interaction of → quarks possessing a distinctive property called → color, in which the quarks exchange → gluons in a manner that is analogous to the interaction of → charged particles in → electrodynamics.

chromo-; → dynamics.

complex dynamical variable
  ورتنده‌ی ِ توانیک ِ همتافت   
vartande-ye tavânik-e hamtâft

Fr.: variable dynamique complexe   

A → dynamical variable which has an → imaginary number part.

complex; → dynamical; → variable.


Fr.: dynamique   

1) Involving or relating to force related to motion.
2) Pertaining to the science of → dynamics.

From Fr. dynamique, from Ger. dynamisch, introduced by Leibnitz in 1691, from Gk. dynamikos "powerful," from dynamis "power," from dynasthai "be able to have power" + → -ic.

Tavânik, from tavân "power, strength," tavânestan "to be powerful, able," + Pers. suffix -ik; → -ics. The first component from Mid.Pers. tuwan "power, might," from O.Pers./Av. base tav- "to have power, to be strong, to be able," Av. tavah- "power," təviši- "strength," Mod.Pers. tuš, tâb "power, ability," O.Pers. tauman- "power, strength," tunuvant- "powerful," Skt. tu- "to be strong, to have authority," tavas-, tavisa- "strong, energetic," tavisi- "power, strength" + -ik-ic.

dynamic equilibrium
  ترازمندی ِ توانیک   
tarâzmandi-ye tavânik

Fr.: équilibre dynamique   

Mechanics: The condition of a moving mechanical system when the accelerating force is balanced by an imaginary kinetic reaction according to → d'Alembert's principle. See also → static equilibrium; → thermodynamic equilibrium.

Dynamic, adj. from → dynamics; → equilibrium.

dynamic oblateness
  پخی ِ توانیک   
paxi-ye tavânik

Fr.: aplatissement dynamique   

A measure of the extent to which mass has been shifted from the polar regions of a (spinning) body toward its equator (Ellis et al., 2007, Planetary Ring Systems, Springer).

dynamic; → oblateness.

dynamic pressure
  فشار ِ توانیک   
fešâr-e tavânik

Fr.: pression dynamique   

A property of a moving → fluid defined by (1/2)ρv2 in → Bernoulli's law, where ρ is → density of fluid and v is → velocity. Dynamic pressure is the difference between → total pressure and → static pressure. Also called → velocity pressure. → ram pressure.

dynamic; → pressure.

dynamic range
  برد ِ توانیک   
bord-e tavânik

Fr.: dynamique   

The ratio of the maximum to minimum signal levels present in an image. For instance, a true 12-bit digital camera is capable of providing a dynamic range of 4096 to 1.

Adj. of → dynamics; → range.

dynamic viscosity
  وشکسانی ِ توانیک   
vošksâni-y tavânik

Fr.: viscosité dynamique   

Same as → viscosity and → absolute viscosity.

dynamic; → viscosity.


Fr.: dynamique   

Of or pertaining to force or power; of or pertaining to force related to motion.
Pertaining to the science of dynamics. Same as dynamic.

Adj. from → dynamics.

dynamical age
  سن ِ توانیک   
senn-e tavânik

Fr.: âge dynamique   

Age based on dynamical properties of a system. For example, the time derived for a system to evolve from an initial state to its present state, based on velocity and dimension (size) measurements.

dynamical; → age.

dynamical disruption
  گسیخت ِ توانیک   
gosixt-e tavânik

Fr.: rupture dynamique   

The process whereby a → bound system, such as a → binary system or a → globular cluster, is broken apart.

dynamical; → disruption.

dynamical equilibrium
  ترازمندی ِ توانیک   
tarâzmandi-ye tavânik

Fr.: équilibre dynamique   

Of a physical system, a condition in which the parts of the system are in continuous motion, but they move in opposing directions at equal rates so that the system as a whole remains in equilibrium.

dynamical; → equilibrium.

dynamical friction
  مالش ِ توانیک   
mâleš-e tavânik

Fr.: frottement dynamique   

The gravitational interaction between a relatively massive body and a field of much less massive bodies through which the massive body travels. As a result, the moving body loses → momentum and → kinetic energy. An example of dynamical friction is the sinking of massive stars to the center of a → star cluster, a process called → mass segregation. Dynamical friction plays an important role in → stellar dynamics. It was first quantified by Chandrasekhar (1943).

dynamical; → friction.

dynamical law
  قانون ِ توانیک   
qânun-e tavânik

Fr.: loi dynamique   

A law that describes the motion of individual particles in a system, in contrast to → statistical laws.

dynamical; → law.

dynamical mass
  جرم ِ توانیک   
jerm-e tavânik

Fr.: masse dynamique   

The mass of an object derived indirectly from theoretical formulae based on the laws governing the behavior of a → dynamical system.

dynamical; → mass.

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