An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 27 Search : Potential
chemical potential
  توند ِ شیمیک   
tavand-e šimik

Fr.: potentiel chimique   

For a given component in a → gas mixture, the change in → Gibbs free energy (G) with respect to change in amount of the component (n), when pressure, temperature, and amounts of other components remain constant: ∂G/∂n. Components are in equilibrium if their chemical potentials are equal.

chemical; → potential.

electric potential
  توند ِ برقی   
tavand-e barqi

Fr.: potentiel électrique   

The amount of → work required to move a unit → electric charge from → infinity to a specific point against an → electric field. The → SI unit of electric potential is → joules per → coulomb, otherwise known as → volt.

electric; → potential.

electric scalar potential
  توند ِ مرپلی ِ برقی   
tavand-e marpeli-ye barqi

Fr.: potentiel électrique scalaire   

A potential φ defined so that the → electric field  E is expressed by a combination of its → gradient and the variation of the → magnetic vector potential over time: E = -∇φ -∂A/∂t.

electric; → scalar; → potential.

electromagnetic potential
  توند ِ برقامغناتی   
tavand-e barqâmeqnâti

Fr.: potentiel électromagnétique   

The combination of both → electric scalar potential and → magnetic vector potential.

electromagnetic; → potential.

equipotential surface
  رویه‌ی ِ هموگ-توند   
ruye-ye hamugtavand

Fr.: surface équipotentielle   

An imaginary surface surrounding a body, or group of bodies, over which the gravitational field is of constant strength and, at all points, is directed perpendicular to the surface. For a single star the surface is spherical. In a close binary system the equipotential surface of the components interact to become hourglass-shaped. → Roche lobe; → Lagrangian points.

From → equi-; → potential; → surface.

excitation potential
  توند ِ بر‌انگیزش   
tavand-e barangizeš

Fr.: potentiel d'excitation   

In quantum mechanics, the energy that is necessary to change a system from a → ground state to a given → excited state; also called excitation energy.

excitation; → potential.

gravitational potential energy
  کاروژ ِ توند ِ گرانشی   
kâruž-e tavand-e gerâneši

Fr.: énergie potentielle gravitationnelle   

1) The energy that an object possesses because of its position in a → gravitational field, especially an object near the surface of the Earth where the → gravitational acceleration can be assumed to be constant, at about 9.8 m s-2.
2) In a two body system. It is the amount of work done in bringing the mass m to the distance R from M: EP = -GMm/R, where G is the → gravitational constant.
3) For a uniform sphere. It is EP = -(3/5)GM2/R, where G is the gravitational constant and M is the mass contained in the sphere of radius R.

gravitational; → potential; → energy.

ionization potential
  توند ِ یونش   
tavande yoneš

Fr.: potentiel d'ionisation   

The energy required to remove an electron from an isolated atom or molecule. The ionization potential for hydrogen is 13.6 eV, which corresponds to an ultraviolet ionizing photon with a wavelength of 912 A. Also called → ionization energy.

ionization; → potential.

kinetic potential
  توند ِ جنبشیک   
tavand-e jonbešik

Fr.: potentiel cinétique   

Same as → Lagrangian function.

kinetic; → potential.

lensing potential
  توند ِ لنزش   
tavand-e lenzeš

Fr.: potentiel de l'effet de lentille gravitationnelle   

An important quantity in the characterization of → gravitational lensing. The lensing potential is obtained by projecting the three-dimensional Newtonian potential on the lens plane and by properly re-scaling it. It is a two-dimensional analog to the → gravitational potential.

lensing; → potential.

magnetic vector potential
  توند ِ برداری ِ مغناتیسی   
tavand-e bordâri-ye meqnâtisi

Fr.: vecteur potentiel magnétique   

A vector field A defined so that the → magnetic field  B is given by its → curl: B = ∇ x A.

magnetic; → vector; → potential.

Newtonian potential
  توند ِ نیوتنی   
tavand-e Newtoni

Fr.: potentiel newtonien   

A potential in a field of force obeying the inverse-square law such as → gravitational potential.

Newtonian; → potential.


Fr.: potentiel   

1) A latent ability that may or may not be developed; possibility.
2) Physics: The → work required to → move a unit positive → charge, unit magnetic pole, or an amount of → mass respectively from → infinity (i.e. a place infinitely distant from the causes of the field) to a designated point. Gravitational potential is always negative, but the electric or magnetic potentials may be positive or negative.
3) (adj.) Capable of being or becoming, as opposed to → actual.
See also:
chemical potential, → electric scalar potential, → electromagnetic potential, → equipotential surface, → excitation potential, → gravitational potential energy, → ionization potential, → kinetic potential, → magnetic vector potential, → potential barrier, → potential density, → potential difference, → potential energy, → potential energy curve, → potential field, → potential gradient, → potential well, → potentiality, → retarded potential, → scalar potential, → thermodynamic potential, → Yukawa potential.

From L.L. potentialis "potential," from L. potentia "power," potis "powerful, able, capable;" cognate with Av. paiti- "lord, husband;" Mod.Pers. -bad (sepah-bad "general, commander of an army"); Skt. páti- "master, husband;" Gk. posis "husband;" Lith. patis "husband."

Tavand, from tav- + -vand. The first component tav- is the stem of tavân "power, strength," tavânestan "to be powerful, able;" variants tâv, tâb, (dialects) tew "power;" Mid.Pers. tuwan "power, might;" O.Pers. tav- "to have power, to be strong, to be able," tauman- "power, strength," tunuvant- "powerful;" Av. tauu- (tu-) "to be able, strong," tavah- "power," təviši- "strength" (Mod.Pers. tuš "power, ability"); Skt. tavi- "to be strong, to have authority," tavas-, tavisa- "strong, energetic," tavisi- "power, strength;" Gk. taus, saos "healthy;" L. tumere "to be swollen;" PIE *teu- "to swell, be strong." The second component -vand a suffix of adjectives and agent nouns, → actual.
Note: Tavand used as both noun and adjective, such as honarmand (n.) and mard-e honarmand (adj.).

potential barrier
  ورغه‌ی ِ توند   
varqeye tavand

Fr.: barrière de potentiel   

Region in a field of force in which the potential is such that a particle, which is subject to the field, encounters opposition to its passage.

potential; → barrier.

potential density
  چگالی ِ توند   
cagâli-ye tavand

Fr.: densité potentielle   

Of a fluid parcel at pressure P, the density that it would acquire if adiabatically brought to a reference pressure.

potential; → density.

potential difference
  دگرسانی ِ توند   
degarsâni-ye tavand

Fr.: différence de potentiel   

Between two points, the work done in taking the unit test object from one point to the other. Potential is a scalar quantity.

potential; → difference.

potential energy
  کاروژ ِ توند   
kâruž-e tavand

Fr.: énergie potentielle   

Of a system, the work done in changing the system from some standard configuration to its present state. Thus, if a body of mass m is raised vertically through a height h, the work done, mgh, is the increase in potential energy.

potential; → energy.

potential energy curve
  خم ِ کاروژ ِ توند   
xam-e kâruž-e tavand

Fr.: courbe de l'energie potentielle   

A plot that displays the → potential energy of a moving body as a function of its position. It is explained by the → conservation of energy and the conversion of potential energy into → kinetic energy and vice versa.

potential; → energy; → curve.

potential field
  میدان ِ توند   
meydân-e tavand

Fr.: champ de potentiel   

A field that has a → potential. A continuous → vector fieldA in a domain D is a potential field in D if and only if its → work around every closed curve C contained in D is zero: ∫A.ds = 0. Examples include the → gravitational field and the → electrostatic field.

potential; → field.

potential gradient
  زینه‌ی ِ توند   
zine-ye tavand

Fr.: gradient de potentiel   

At a point, the rate of change of potential V, with distance x, measured in the direction in which the variation is a maximum. The intensity F of the field is proportional to the potential gradient, but is oppositely directed: F = -dV/dx.

potential; → gradient.

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