An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 1965 Search : ion
harmonic progression
  فرایازی ِ هماهنگ   
farâyâzi-ye hamâhang

Fr.: progression harmonique   

Math.: Any ordered set of numbers, the reciprocals of which have a constant difference between them. For example 1, ½, 1/3, ¼, ..., 1/n. Also called → harmonic sequence.

harmonic; progression.

Harvard classification
  رده‌بندی ِ هاروارد   
radebandi-ye Hârvârd (#)

Fr.: classification de Harvard   

A classification of stellar spectra published in the Henry Draper catalogue, which was prepared in the early twentieth century by E. C. Pickering and Miss Annie Canon. It is based on the characteristic lines and bands of the chemical elements. The most important classes in order of decreasing temperatures are as follows: O, B, A, F, G, K, M.

Harvard, named for John Harvard (1607-1638), the English colonist, principal benefactor of Harvard College, now Harvard University. → classification

Hawking radiation
  تابش ِ هاؤکینگ   
tâbeš-e Hawking (#)

Fr.: rayonnement de Hawking   

The radiation produced by a → black hole when → quantum mechanical effects are taken into account. According to quantum physics, large fluctuations in the → vacuum energy occurs for brief moments of time. Thereby virtual particle-antiparticle pairs are created from vacuum and annihilated. If → pair production happens just outside the → event horizon of a black hole, as soon as these particles are formed they would both experience drastically different → gravitational attractions due to the sharp gradient of force close to the black hole. One particle will accelerate toward the black hole and its partner will escape into space. The black hole used some of its → gravitational energy to produce these two particles, so it loses some of its mass if a particle escapes. This gradual loss of mass over time means the black hole eventually evaporates out of existence. See also → Bekenstein formula, → Hawking temperature.

Named after the British physicist Stephen Hawking (1942-2018), who provided the theoretical argument for the existence of the radiation in 1974; → radiation.

heat conduction
  هازش ِ گرما   
hâzeš-e garmâ

Fr.: conduction de chaleur   

A type of → heat transfer by means of molecular agitation within a material without any motion of the material as a whole.

heat; → conduction.

heat convection
  همبز ِ گرما   
hambaz-e garmâ (#)

Fr.: convection de chaleur   

A type of → heat transfer involving mass motion of a fluid such as air or water when the heated fluid is caused to move away from the source of heat, carrying energy with it.

heat; → convection.

heat of vaporization
  گرمای ِ بخارش   
garmâ-ye boxâreš

Fr.: chaleur de vaporisation   

The amount of heat energy required to transform an amount of a substance from the liquid phase to the gas phase. → molar heat of vaporization.

heat; → vaporization.

heliocentric gravitational constant
  پایای ِ گرانشی هورمرکزی   
pâyâ-ye gerâneši-ye hur-markazi

Fr.: constante gravitationnelle héliocentrique   

A parameter representing the product of the → gravitational constant by the → solar mass. It is 13.27 x 1019 m3 s-2.

heliocentric; → gravitational; → constant.

helium-argon calibration
  کبیزش ِ هلیوم-آرگون   
kabizeš-e heliyom-ârgon

Fr.: calibration hélium-argon   

A wavelength calibration of astronomical spectra using a helium-argon light source.

helium; → argon; → calibration.

hertz to meter conversion
  هاگرد ِ هرتز به متر   
hâgard-e hertz bé metr

Fr.: conversion hertz / mètre   

frequency to wavelength conversion.

hertz; → meter; → conversion.

HESS collaboration
  همکاری ِ HESS   
hamkâri-ye HESS

Fr.: collaboration HESS   

High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.).

H.E.S.S.; → collaboration.

hierarchical structure formation
  دیسش ِ ساختار ِ پایگانی   
diseš-e sâxtâr-e pâygâni

Fr.: formation de structures hiérarchiques   

A cosmological → structure formation model in which the smallest gravitationally bound structures (→ quasars and galaxies) form first, followed by → groups, → galaxy clusters, and → superclusters of galaxies.

hierarchical; → structure; → formation.

high-excitation blob (HEB)
  ژیگ ِ پر-بر‌انگیزش   
žig-e por-barangizeš


A rare class of → H II regions in the → Magellanic Clouds. In contrast to the typical H II regions of the Magellanic Clouds, which are extended structures (sizes of several arc minutes corresponding to more than 50 pc, powered by a large number of exciting stars), HEBs are very dense and small regions (~ 4" to 10" in diameter corresponding to ~ 1-3 pc). They have a higher degree of → excitation ([O III] 5007Å /Hβ) with respect to the typical H II regions, and are, in general, heavily affected by local → dust. They are powered by a relatively smaller number of → massive stars.

high; → excitation; → blob.

high-resolution observation
  نپاهش ِ مه-واگشود   
nepâheš-e mehvâgošud

Fr.: observation à haute résolution   

An observation that provides a particularly narrow, peaked image of a point source. → point spread function.

high; → resolution; → observation.

hole injection
  درشانش ِ سوراخ، ~ چاله   
daršâneš-e surâx, ~ câlé

Fr.: injection de trou   

The injection of holes in a semiconductor which can be produced by application of a sharp conducting point in contact with an n-type semiconductor.

hole; → injection.

homogeneous linear differential equation
  هموگش ِ دگرسانه‌ای ِ خطی همگن   
hamugeš-e degarsâne-yi-ye xatti hamgen

Fr.: équation différentielle linéaire homogène   

A → linear differential equation if the right-hand member is zero, Q(x) = 0, on interval I.

homogeneous; → linear; → differential; → equation.

horizontal refraction
  شکست ِ افقی   
šekast-e ofoqi (#)

Fr.: réfraction horizontale   

The angular distance of an object below the horizon when it appears to lie on the horizon.

horizontal; → refraction.

hot accretion flow
  تچان ِ فربال ِ داغ   
tacân-e farbâl-e dâq

Fr.: écoulement d'accrétion chaud   

A type of → accretion flow by a → compact object such as a → black hole which has a high → virial temperature, is → optically thick, and occurs at lower mass → accretion rates compared with → cold accretion flows. In a hot accretion flow with a very low mass accretion rate, the electron mean free path is very large, and so the accreting → plasma is nearly collisionless. In this type of accretion flow, thermal conduction transports the energy from the inner to the outer regions. As the gas temperature in the outer regions can be increased above the → virial temperature , the gas in the outer regions can escape from the gravitational potential of the central black hole and form outflows, significantly decreasing the mass accretion rate.

cold; → accretion; → flow.

Hubble classification
  رده‌بندی ِ هابل   
radebandi-ye Hubble (#)

Fr.: classification de Hubble   

The classification of galaxies according to their visual appearance into four basic types suggested by E. Hubble: → ellipticals (E), → spirals (S), → barred spirals (SB), and → irregulars (Ir). Later on a separate class of → lenticulars (S0) was appended as an intermediate type between ellipticals and spirals. The sequence starts with round elliptical galaxies (E0). Flatter galaxies are arranged following a number which is calculated from the ratio (a - b)/a, where a and b are the major and minor axes as measured on the sky. Ellipticals are divided into eight categories (E0, E1, ..., E7). Beyond E7 a clear disk is apparent in the lenticular (S0) galaxies. The sequence then splits into two parallel branches of disk galaxies showing spiral structure: ordinary spirals, S, and barred spirals, SB. The spiral and barred types are subdivided into Sa, Sb, Sc, and SBa, SBb, SBc, respectively. Along the sequence from Sa to Sc, the central bulge becomes smaller, while the spiral arms become more and more paramount. The original, erroneous idea that such arrangement of the galaxies might represent an evolutionary sequence led to the ellipticals being referred to as early-type galaxies, and the spirals and Irr I irregulars as late-type galaxies. See also → dwarf galaxy, → dwarf elliptical galaxy, → dwarf spheroidal galaxy.

Hubble; → classification.

Hubble-Lemaitre tension
  تنش ِ پایای ِ هابل-لومتر   
taneš-e pâyâ-ye Hubble-Lemaître

Fr.: Tension sur la constante de Hubble-Lemaître   

The discrepancy between the value of the → Hubble-Lemaitre constant inferred from a ΛCDM fit (→ Lambda cold dark matter model) to the → cosmic microwave background (CMB) and local measurements. The Universe appears to be expanding much faster now than predicted even with our latest understanding of its initial conditions and contents. Based on the → Hubble Space Telescope observations, the Hubble-Lemaitre constant is very recently estimated to be 74.03 km s-1 Mpc-1. This value indicates that the Universe is expanding at a rate about 9% faster than that implied by the → Planck satellite's observations of the → early Universe, which give a value for the Hubble constant of 67.4 km s-1 Mpc-1. For discussion, see D'Arcy Kenworthy et al. (2019, ApJ 875, 145).

Hubble-Lamaitre constant; → tension.

Hubble-Sandage classification
  رده‌بندی ِ هابل-سندیج   
radebandi-ye Hubble-Sandage

Fr.: classification de Hubble-Sandage   

Same as the → Hubble classification.

Hubble; → Hubble-Sandage variable; → sequence.

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