An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 1965 Search : ion
spectral classification
  رده‌بندی ِ بینابی   
radebandi-ye binâbi (#)

Fr.: classification spectrale   

A system that assigns a → spectral type to a star according to characteristics of its spectrum. The earliest attempt to divide stars on the basis of their spectra was the → Secchi classification in the 1860s. This scheme paved the way for the → Harvard classification that led to the current → Morgan-Keenan classification of spectral types. In the Harvard system stars were originally thought to follow an evolutionary sequence from the "early" O and B types to the "late" K and M types. Although this is now known to be wrong, the terms → early-type star and → late-type star are still in use. In the Morgan-Keenan system stars are classified as type O, B, A, F, G, K, or M in order of decreasing → effective temperature, and each type further subdivided into subclasses from 0 (hottest, except for → O-type stars) to 9 (coolest). They are also accompanied by a → luminosity class. In the late 1990s, spectral types L and T were added to the sequence to accommodate the coolest stars and → brown dwarfs (with class Y reserved for the coolest brown dwarfs of all, as yet unobserved).

spectral; → classification.

spectral dispersion
  پاشش ِ بینابی   
pâšeš-e binâbi

Fr.: dispersion spectrale   


spectral; → dispersion.

spectral energy distribution (SED)
  واباژش ِ کاروژ ِ بینابی   
vâbâžeš-e kâruž-e binâbi

Fr.: distribution de l'énergie spectrale   

A plot showing the energy emitted by a source as a function of the radiation wavelength or frequency. It is used in many branches of astronomy to characterize astronomical sources, in particular mainly in → near infrared and → middle infrared to study → protostars or → young stellar objects. The SED of these objects is divided in four classes.
Class 0 in which the SED represents a very embedded protostar, where the mass of the central core is small in comparison to the mass of the → accreting envelope. The SED is characterized by the → blackbody radiation of the envelope and peaks at → submillimeter wavelengths.
Class I objects possess a SED that peaks in the → far infrared and is characterized by a weak contribution of the blackbody of the central protostar (detected in near infrared) and the emission of a thick disk and dense envelope. These objects have less mass in the envelope and more massive central cores with respect to Class 0.
Class II objects are the → classical T Tauri stars with a SED due to the emission of a thin disk and the central star. They have accumulated most of their final mass and have dispersed almost completely their circumstellar envelope.
Finally, Class III objects have pure photospheric spectra. Their SED is peaked in the optical and is well approximated by a blackbody emission with a faint → infrared excess due to the presence of a residual optically thin disk that may be the origin of → planetesimals.
This classification scheme can be made more quantitative by defining a → spectral index.

spectral; → energy; → distribution.

spectral region
  ناحیه‌ی ِ بینابی   
nâhiye-ye binâbi

Fr.: région spectrale   

An extent of wavelengths into which the electromagnetic spectrum is divided; e.g. infrared or ultraviolet region.

spectral; → region.

spectral resolution
  واگشود ِ بیناب، ~ بینابی   
vâgošud-e binâb, ~ binâbi

Fr.: résolution spectrale   

The capacity of a spectrograph to separate two adjacent spectral lines. The theoretical spectral resolution depends on the grating dispersion, grating position, pixel size, collimator and camera focal length, and the entrance slit-width.

spectral; → resolution.

specular reflection
  بازتاب ِ آینه‌وار   
bâztâb-e âyenevâr (#)

Fr.: réflexion spéculaire   

The reflection of light waves in which the reflected waves travel in a definite direction, and the directions of the incident and reflected waves make equal angles with a line perpendicular to the reflecting surface. Same as → regular reflection; opposite of → diffuse reflection.

From L. specularis, from speculum "mirror;" → reflection.

Bâztâb, → reflection; âyenevâr "mirror-like," from âyené, → mirror + -vâr similarity suffix.


Fr.: spéculation   

The act or an instance of speculating.

Verbal noun of → speculate.

spherical aberration
  بیراهش ِ کُره‌ای   
birâheš-e koreyi

Fr.: aberration sphérique, ~ de sphéricité   

An aberration of a spherical lens or spherical mirror in which light rays converge not to a single point but to a series of points with different distances from the lens or mirror. Spherical aberration is corrected by using parabolic reflecting and refracting surface.

spherical; → aberration.

spline function
  کریای ِ اسپلین   
karyâ-ye splin

Fr.: fonction spline   

A function consisting of several segments, usually → polynomials, joined smoothly together at specific points with an explicitly stated degree of accuracy. Spline functions are used to approximate a given function on an interval.

From East Anglian dialect, maybe related to O.E. splin and to modern splint. A spline was originally a slat or a thin strip of wood. A later meaning was "a long, thin, flexible strip used as a guide for drawing arcs of curves;" → function.

spontaneous combustion
  سوزش ِ سرخود   
suzeš-e sarxod

Fr.: combustion spontanée   

The self-ignition of a substance that produces sufficient heat within itself, by a slow oxidation process, for ignition to take place without the need for an external high-temperature source. The produced heat energy is absorbed by the substance raising its temperature slowly until the → ignition temperature is reached. Same as spontaneous ignition.

spontaneous; → combustion.

spontaneous emission
  گسیل ِ سرخود   
gosil-e sarxod

Fr.: émission spontanée   

The emission of electromagnetic radiation from an atom or molecule that does not depend on the presence of external fields.

spontaneous; → emission.

spontaneous transition
  گذرش ِ سرخود   
gozareš-e sarxod

Fr.: transition spontanée   

An → atomic transition that gives rise to a → spontaneous emission.

spontaneous; → transition.


Fr.: stagnation   

The state or condition of not flowing or running. → stagnation point, → stagnation pressure.

L. stagnatum, stagnatus, p.p. of stagnare "to stagnate," from stagnatum "standing water," from PIE root *stag- "to seep drip."

Nâravâni, literally "not flowing," from nâ- negation prefix, → un-, + ravân "flowing, running," pr.p. of raftan "to go, walk; to flow;" (Mid.Pers. raftan, raw-, Proto-Iranian *rab/f- "to go; to attack").

stagnation point
  نقطه‌ی ِ ناروانی   
noqte-ye nâravâni

Fr.: point de stagnation   

A point where the → flow  → velocity is → zero. For example a point around an obstacle where a → flow tube splits into two portions.

stagnation; → point.

stagnation pressure
  فشار ِ ناروانی   
fešâr-e nâravâni

Fr.: pression de stagnation   

The sum of → static pressure and → dynamic pressure in the → Bernoulli equation.

stagnation; → pressure.

naryân (#)

Fr.: étalon   

An uncastrated adult male horse, especially one used for breeding.

M.E. stalon, from O.Fr. estalon, "uncastrated male horse," cognate with O.H.G. stal "stable," cf. O.H.G. stall "stand, place, stable, stall," Ger. Stall "stable," Stelle "place"), from PIE root *stel- "to put, stand," with derivatives referring to a standing object or place; akin to Pers. istâdan "to stand," → station.

Nariyân, from nar "male," → masculine.

standard deviation
  کژرفت ِ استانده   
kažraft-e estândé

Fr.: écart-type   

The most widely used measure of dispersion of a frequency distribution. It is equal to the positive square root of the → variance. Same as → standard error. Not to be confused with the → root mean square error.

standard; → deviation.

star formation
  دیسش ِ ستاره   
diseš-e setâré

Fr.: formation d'étoiles   

The process by which dense parts of molecular clouds collapse into a ball of plasma to form a star. As a branch of astronomy, star formation includes the study of the interstellar medium and molecular clouds as precursors to the star formation process as well as the study of young stellar objects.

star; → formation.

star formation efficiency (SFE)
  کارایی ِ دیسش ِ ستاره   
kârâyi-ye diseš-e setâré

Fr.: efficacité de formation d'étoiles   

The degree to which stars form in a system, such as a → molecular cloud or a → galaxy. It is given by the ratio of the total mass of stars to the initial gas mass: εSFE = Mstars / (Mstars + Mgas).

star formation; → efficiency.

star formation history
  تاریخ ِ دیسش ِ ستاره   
târix-e diseš-e setâré

Fr.: histoire de formation d'étoiles   

The → star formation rate as a function of time.

star; → formation; → history.

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