An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec sep sim Soc son spe sta Ste Sto sub sup syn the Tho top tra Tro unc vec vio Was Wil Zhe > >>

Number of Results: 3106 Search : on
conditional probability
  شوانایی ِ بوتاری   
šavânâyi-ye butâri

Fr.: probabilité conditionnelle   

Of an event B in relationship to an event A, the probability that event B occurs given that event A has already occurred. The notation for conditional probability is P(B|A), read as the probability of B given A: P(B|A) = P(A ∩ B)/P(A). → Bayes' theorem.

conditional; → probability.

conditional proof
  آوین ِ بوتاری   
âvin-e butâri

Fr.: preuve conditionnelle   

A → proof in which one assumes the → truth of one of the → premises to show that if that premise is true then the → argument is → valid.

conditional; → proof.

conditional proposition
  گزاره‌ی ِ بوتاری   
gozâre-ye butâri

Fr.: proposition conditionelle   

A compound → proposition in which one → clause asserts something as true provided that the other clause is true. A conditional statement consists of two parts, a hypothesis in the "if" clause and a conclusion in the "then"clause. For instance, "If it rains, then they cancel school." It rains is the hypothesis. "They cancel school" is the conclusion. The clause following if is traditionally called the → antecedent, whereas the clause following then is called the → consequent.

conditional; → proposition.

  هاختن، هازیدن   
hâxtan, hâzidan

Fr.: conduire   

( To direct the course of; to lead or guide. To serve as a medium for conveying; transmit.
(v.intr.) To act as a conductor.

From L. conductus, p.p. of conducere "to lead or bring together," from → com- "together" + ducere "to lead."

Hâxtan, hâzidan, from Mid.Pers. "to lead, guide, persuade," Av. hak-, hacaiti "to attach oneself to, to join," cf. Skt. sacate "accompanies, follows," Gk. hepesthai "to follow,", L. sequi "to follow;" PIE *sekw-.


Fr.: conductance   

The ability of a system to conduct electricity, calculated as the ratio of the current which flows to the potential difference present. This is the reciprocal of the → resistance, and is measured in → siemens or → mhos.

conduct + → -ance.


Fr.: conduction   

The transference of energy through a body, without visible motion of any part of the body. → induction; → reduction; → subduction; → transduction.

Verbal noun from → conduct.

conduction electron
  الکترون ِ هازش   
elektron-e hâzeš

Fr.: électron de conduction   

An electron whose energy lies in the conduction band of a solid, where it is free to move under the influence of an electron field.

conduction; → electron.

conduction band
  باند ِ هازش   
bând-e hâzeš

Fr.: bande de conduction   

In the energy spectrum of a solid, a range of energies in which electrons can move freely under the influence of an electrical field. Metals have many electrons in this range, insulators have none. In semiconductors the conduction band contains few electrons provided by impurity atoms or ejected from the valence bands by thermal energy or photon absorption.

conduction; → bande.


Fr.: conducteur   

(Adj.) Having the property or capability of conducting.

From → conduct + -ive a suffix of adj.


Fr.: conductivité   

1) General: A measure of the ability to transmit, as electricity, thermal energy, sound, and so on.
2) → electrical conductivity.
3) → thermal conductivity.

From → conductive + → -ity suffix forming abstract nouns expressing state or condition.


Fr.: conducteur   

Substance, or body, which offers a relatively small resistance to the passage of an electric current.

Agent noun from conduce, → conduct, + → -tor.

maxrut (#)

Fr.: cône   

A solid bounded by a plane and the surface generated by a straight line which always touches a simple closed curve on the plane and passes through a fixed point not on the plane.

L. conus "a wedge, peak, cone," from Gk. konos "cone, spinning top, pine cone," from PIE base *ko(n)- "to sharpen."

Maxrut from Ar.


Fr.: confédération   

A body comprising independent organizations that cooperate for a common purpose.

com-; → federation.

  خستوییدن، خستو شدن   
xastuyidan, xastu šodan (#)

Fr.: avouer   

To acknowledge or avow (a fault, crime, misdeed, weakness, etc.) by way of revelation (

M.E. confessen, from Old French confesser (transitive and intransitive), from Vulgar Latin *confessare, from Latin confess-, past participle stem of confiteri "to acknowledge," from assimilated form of com "together" (see com-) + fateri "to admit," akin to fari "speak," from PIE root *bha- (2) "to speak, tell, say."

Xastuyidan, infinitive from xastu, → confessor.


Fr.: aveu   

1) Something that is confessed.
2) Acknowledgment or disclosure of sin or sinfulness, especially to a priest to obtain absolution (

Verbal noun of → xastuyidan, "to → confess."

xastu (#)

Fr.: avouant   

A person who makes a confession.

confess; → -or.

Xastu "a person who makes a confession, confessing," from Mid.Pers. xwastûg "confessing," xwastûgih "confession;" ultimately from *xva.stavana-, from *xva- "own, one's own," + *stau- "to paray, celebrate (in songs), praise" (Pers. sotudan/setây- "to praise"); cf. Av. stau-, stû- "to praise" (āstau- "to confess"); Skt. stav- "to honour, praise;" Gk. steutai "announces solemnly, boasts."

hampeykareš (#)

Fr.: configuration   

General: Arrangement of parts or elements in a composite object.
Physics: The distribution of electrons in the various atomic orbital and energy levels.

L.L. configuration, configuratio "similar formation," from L. configurare "to form from or after," from → com- + figurare "to form," from figura "figure."

Hampeykareš (verbal noun from hampeykaridan), from ham-, → com-, + peykar "figure, form, mould, body" + noun suffix -eš. Peykar from Mid.Pers. pahikar "picture, image," from O.Pers. patikara- "picture, (sculpted) likeness," from patiy "against" (Av. paiti, Skt. prati, Gk. poti/proti) + kara- "doer, maker," from kar- "to do, make, build," Av. kar-, Skt.. kr-; cf. Skt. pratikrti- "an image, likeness, model; counterpart."

  پربستن، پربست کردن   
parbastan (#), parbast kardan (#)

Fr.: confiner   

To enclose within bounds; to restrict.

M.E., from M.Fr. confins, confines, from L. confinis "boundary, border," from con-, → com- "with" + finis "end."

Parbastan, parbast kardan, literally "close around," from par- "around," → circum-, + bast, bastan "to close," → closed.

confined plasma
  پلاسمای ِ پربسته   
pelâsmâ-ye parbasté

Fr.: plasma confiné   

Plasma in which magnetic field lines forming closed surfaces confine the plasma.

Confined, p;p. of → confine; → plasma.

parbast (#)

Fr.: confinement   

General: The act of confining; the state of being confined. Physics: A property of quantum electrodynamics whereby quarks cannot exist as free particles, but are forever bound into protons, neutrons, etc.

Noun from → confine.

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