An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec sep sim Soc son spe sta Ste Sto sub sup syn the Tho top tra Tro unc vec vio Was Wil Zhe > >>

Number of Results: 3106 Search : on
top-down structure formation
  دیسش ِ ساختار از بالا به پایین   
diseš-e sâxtâr az bâlâ bé pâyin

Fr.: formation des structures du haut vers le bas   

A cosmological model of → structure formation in which larger structures, such as galaxy → superclusters or perhaps even the vast → filaments and → voids, form earlier and then they fragment into smaller structures such as individual galaxies. Opposite of → bottom-up structure formation.

top; → down; → structure; → formation.

Torrid Zone
  زنار ِ تفسان   
zonnâr-e tafsân

Fr.: Zone torride   

The part of the Earth's surface between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn

torrid; → zone.

total function
  کریای ِ هماک   
karyâ-ye hamâk

Fr.: fonction totale   

A function whose value is defined for all possible input values.

total; → function.

total internal reflection
  بازتاب ِ هماک ِ درونی   
bâztâb-e hamâk-e daruni

Fr.: réflexion totale interne   

A phenomenon occurring when a light ray traveling cross an → interface from a higher → refractive index medium to a lower refractive index medium hits the interface at an angle larger than the → critical angle. In these conditions the light will not pass through to the second → medium at all. Instead, all of it will be reflected back into the first medium.

total; → internal; → reflection.

tarâdâd (#)

Fr.: tradition   

An inherited or common body of beliefs or practices belonging to a particular people, family, or institution over a relatively long period. Also their transmission over time.

M.E. tradicion, from  O.Fr. tradicion, from L. traditionem "delivery, surrender, a handing down," from traditus, p.p. of tradere "to deliver, hand over," from → trans- "over" (time) + dare  "to give," → datum.

Tarâdâd, from tarâ- "over time," → trans-, + dâd past stem of dâdan "to give," → datum.

transcendental function
  کریای ِ ترا-فرازنده   
karyâ-ye tarâfarâzandé

Fr.: fonction transcendante   

A function which is not → algebraic. For example y = cosx, y = 10xx.

transcendental; → function.

transfer function
  کریای ِ تراوژ   
karyâ-ye tarâvaž

Fr.: fonction de transfert   

The mathematical relationship between the output of a control system and its input: for a linear system, it is the Laplace transform of the output divided by the Laplace transform of the input under conditions of zero initial-energy storage.

transfer; → function.

  ترادیسش، ترادیس   
tarâdiseš (#), tarâdis (#)

Fr.: transformation   

1) The act or process of transforming. The state of being transformed.
2) The relationship between description of a physical phenomenon in one → reference frame to another. → Galilean transformation; → Lorentz transformation.
3) Math.: The act, process, or result of transforming or mapping.

Verbal noun of → transform.

transient lunar phenomenon (TLP)
  پدیده‌ی ِ مانگی ِ گذرا، ~ ماهی ِ ~   
padide-ye mângi-ye gozarâ, ~ mâhi-ye

Fr.: phénomène lunaire transitoire   

A short-lived change in the brightness of patches on the face of the Moon. The TLPs last from a few seconds to a few hours and can grow from less than a few to a hundred kilometers in size. They have been reported by many observers since the invention of the telescope. However, the physical mechanism responsible for creating a TLP is not well understood. Several theories have been proposed, among which lunar outgassing, that is, gas being released from the surface of the Moon.

transient; → lunar; → phenomenon.


Fr.: transition   

1) Passage from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another.
2) A change between phases such as solid to liquid or liquid to gas.
3) A change in the → energy level or state of an atom or nucleus. → atomic transition, → bound-bound transition, → bound-free transition, → cascade transition, → discrete transition, → forbidden transition, → hyperfine transition, → nuclear transition, → permitted transition, → phase transition, → quark-hadron phase transition, → radiative transition, → rotational transition, → semi-forbidden transition, → transition disk, → transition function, → transition probability, → vibrational transition.

From L. transitionem (nominative transition) "a going across or over," noun of action from transire "go or cross over," from → trans- "across" + ire "to go."

Gozareš, verbal noun of gozaštan "to transit, pass," → transit, + -eš, → -tion.

transition disk
  گرده‌ی ِ گذرش، دیسک ِ ~   
gerde-ye gozaresh, disk-e ~

Fr.: disque de transition   

The → accretion disk of a → T Tauri star that displays very weak or no → infrared excess at → near infrared wavelengths, but shows strong excess at → intermediate infrared and longer wavelengths. This happens when the hot inner dust disk has dissipated whereas the cooler outer disk is still intact.

transition; → disk.

transition function
  کریای ِ گذرش   
karyâ-ye gozareš

Fr.: fonction de transition   

The → probability of finding the → Universe in a → state labelled X2 at a time t2, if it was in a state X1 at an earlier time t1.

transition; → function.

transition probability
  شوانایی ِ گذرشی   
šavânâyi-ye gozareši

Fr.: probabilité de transition   

The probability that a quantum-mechanical system will make a transition from a given initial state to a given final state.

transition; → probability.

transitional flow
  تچان ِ گذرشی   
tacan-e gozareši

Fr.: flux de transition   

In fluid mechanics, a flow composed of → laminar and → turbulent flows, for which the → Reynolds number is between 2300 and 4000.

transition; → flow.

  ۱، ۲) تراجایش؛ ۳) ترازبانش   
1, 2) tarâjâyeš; 3) tarâzabâneš

Fr.: translation   

1) Mechanics: A motion of a rigid body characterized by parallel paths of all particles. Every point of the body in translation has the same velocity and acceleration at any particular instant. The translation motion may be rectilinear or curvilinear.
2) Math.: A transformation which moves all points on a plane through the same distance in the same direction. The object and its image are congruent. Also a function obtained from a given function by adding the same constant to the value of each of its variables.
3) A rendering from one language into another; a version of such a rendering.

Verbal noun of → translate.

Tarâjâyeš, verbal noun of tarâjâyidan, tarâzabâneš, verbal noun of tarâzabânidan, → translate.

tarâgosil (#)

Fr.: transmission   

1) The act or process of transmitting. The fact of being transmitted.
2) The broadcasting of electromagnetic waves from one location to another, as from a transmitter to a receiver.

Verbal noun of → transmit.

transmission band
  باند ِ تراگسیل   
bând-e tarâgosil (#)

Fr.: bande de transmission   

The frequency range above the cutoff frequency in a waveguide or transmission line.

transmission; → band.

transmission coefficient
  همگر ِ تراگسیل   
hamgar-e tarâgosil

Fr.: coefficient de transmission   

The ratio given by the → amplitude (or energy) of a transmitted wave divided by the amplitude (or energy) of the incident wave.

transmission; → coefficient.

transmission grating
  توری ِ تراگسیلی   
turi-ye tarâgosili

Fr.: réseau par transmission   

A diffraction grating that has grooves ruled onto a transparent material so that a beam of light passed through the grating is partly split into spectral orders.

transmission; → grating.

transmission loss
  دسترفت ِ تراگسیل   
dastraft-e tarâgosil

Fr.: perte de transmission   

A decrease in power in transmission from one point to another.

transmission; → loss.

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