An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 1965 Search : ion
decimal representation
  نمایش ِ دهدهی   
nemâyeš-e dahdahi

Fr.: représentation décimale   

A representation of a real number between 0 and 1, as written a = d1d2d3 ..., where each di is one of the digits 0, 1, 2, ..., 9. This means that a = d1 x 10-1 + d2 x 10-2 + d3 x 10-3+ ...

decimal; → representation.


Fr.: décision   

The act or process of deciding. → rule of decision.

Verbal noun of → decide.


Fr.: déclaration   

The act of declaring; announcement.
2) Something that is announced or proclaimed.

Verbal noun of → declare.


Fr.: déclinaison   

The → inflection of nouns, pronouns, or adjectives for case, number, and gender.

M.E. declenson, declynson (with suffix later assimilated to -sion), from O.Fr. declinaison, from L. declinatio, → declination



Fr.: déclinaison   

1) Angular distance (symbol δ) from the celestial equator. One of the coordinates, with → right ascension, that defines the position of a heavenly body in the equator system. Declination is measured positively (+) north or negatively (-) south of the celestial equator from 0° to 90°.
2) Angle between geographic North and magnetic North (symbol D).

Verbal noun of → decline; → -tion.

declination axis
  آسه‌ی ِ واکیلش   
âse-ye vâkileš

Fr.: axe de déclinaison   

The axis to which the telescope tube is fastened in an → equatorial mounting.

declination; → axis.

declination circle
  پرهون ِ واکیلش، دایره‌ی ِ ~   
parhun-e vâkileš, dâyeré-ye ~

Fr.: cercle de déclinaison   

For a telescope with an → equatorial mounting, a graduated circle attached to the → declination axis that shows the → declination to which the telescope is pointing.

declination; → circle.


Fr.: décomposition   

The process or the state of breaking down a physical entity or an organic material.

From → de- + → composition.


Fr.: décompression   

1) A gradual decrease in surrounding → pressure, especially the controlled decrease in pressure that divers undergo after working in deep water or breathing compressed air.
2) Computers: The restoration of compressed electronic data to their full size.

de- + → compression.


Fr.: déconvolution   

A mathematical operation that allows to restore the original input signal, such as an astronomical image or spectrum, to its state before being affected by the → atmospheric turbulence and the → transfer function of the instrument. → convolution.

From → de- + → convolution.

deconvolution algorithm
  خوارزمیک ِ واهماگیش   
xârazmik-e vâhamâgiš

Fr.: logiciel de déconvolution, algorithme ~ ~   

An algorithm used to improve the resolution of an image particularly when the convolving function is well defined. Also called deconvolution code.

deconvolution; → algorithm.


Fr.: décrétion   

A physical process that is contrary to accretion, referring to the outward direction of the mass flow from a star to its environment.

From → de- "reversal, removal," + -cretion, from L. accretionem (nom. accretio, gen. accretionis) "a growing larger," from stem of accrescere, → accretion.

decretion disk
  گرده‌ی ِ وابال   
gerde-ye vâbâl

Fr.: disque de décrétion   

A disk that would form around a star when the star injects matter into a close orbit. This is in contrast to an → accretion disk, which transfers matter from outside to the star. The mass gets injected into the decretion disk by a not yet well-known mechanism, most probably a combination of → non-radial pulsation, fast rotation, and possibly small-scale → magnetic fields. See also → viscous decretion disk.

decretion; → disk.

vânehâneš (#)

Fr.: décryptage   

The process of restoring encrypted data back to the original information. See also → encryption and → decoding.

decrypt; → -tion.


Fr.: déduction   

1) The act or process of deducting; something that is or may be deduced.
2) A process of reasoning in which a conclusion is derived from the premises presented without a need for additional information. → deductive reasoning.

Verbal noun from → deduce.


Fr.: définition   

1) The act or process of establishing some value or condition with precision.
2) The formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word, concept, etc.
3) Optics: The clarity, fidelity, sharpness, and brilliancy of an image formed by an optical system.

Verbal noun of → define.


Fr.: déflagration   

A rapid → chemical reaction in which the → output of → heat is enough to enable the reaction to proceed and be accelerated without input of heat from another source. The effect of a true deflagration under confinement is an → explosion. See also: → detonation; → explosion.

Verbal noun of → deflagrate.


Fr.: déflexion   

The act or state of deflecting or the state of being deflected. Amount of deviation.
Electronics: In a cathode-ray tube, the bending, by a magnetic field, of the beam of electrons after the focused beam leaves the electron gun.

Verbal noun of → deflect.

deflection angle
  زاویه‌ی ِ واچفت   
zâviye-ye vâcaft

Fr.: angle de déflexion   

1) The angle by which a light ray is curved by the gravitational field of a massive body. Einstein's general relativity predicts that a light ray which tangentially grazes the surface of the Sun is deflected by 1''.7. This result was confirmed in 1919 when the apparent angular shift of stars close to the limb of the Sun was measured during a total solar eclipse.
2) In a cathode-ray tube, the angle through which the beam is bent, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

deflection; → angle.

deflection of light
  واچفت ِ نور   
vâcaft-e nur

Fr.: déflexion de la lumière   

The bending of a light ray under the gravitational effect of a massive body. → deflection angle.

deflection; → light.

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