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evolutionary track tor-e fargašt Fr.: trajet évolutif In a theoretical → Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, the path taken by an evolving star. → evolutionary; → track. |
exact differential equation hamugeš-e degarsâneyi-ye razin Fr.: équation différentielle exacte A → differential equation composed of → continuous → differentiable functions for which certain conditions are fulfilled. The equation M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0 is called exact if M(x,y) and N(x,y) are continuous differentiable functions for which the following relationship is fulfilled: ∂M/∂y = ∂N/∂x, and ∂M/∂y and ∂N/∂x are continuous in some region. → exact; → differential; → equation. |
examination barrasi (#) Fr.: examen 1) The act of examining; inspection; inquiry; investigation. Noun from → examine. |
exception sogerteš Fr.: exception 1) The act of excepting or the fact of being excepted. Verbal noun of → except. |
exceptional sogerešti Fr.: exceptionnel Forming an exception; not ordinary. |
excision osuneš Fr.: excision The act of removal; an excising. The surgical removal of a foreign body or of tissue. Verbal noun of → excise. |
excitation barangizeš (#) Fr.: excitation 1) The addition of → energy to an → atomic
or → molecular system, → transferring it
from its → ground state to an
→ excited state. |
excitation energy kâruž-e barangizeš Fr.: énergie d'excitation Amount of energy (usually measured in → electron-volts) required to bring an electron from its → ground state to a given → excited state. → excitation; → energy. |
excitation potential tavand-e barangizeš Fr.: potentiel d'excitation In quantum mechanics, the energy that is necessary to change a system from a → ground state to a given → excited state; also called excitation energy. → excitation; → potential. |
excitation temperature damâ-ye barangizeš Fr.: température d'excitation Of a gas or plasma, the temperature deduced from the → populations of atomic → excited states, as expressed by the Boltzmann formula: Nu/Nl = (gu/gl) exp (-ΔE/kTex), where Nu and Nl are the upper level and lower level populations respectively, gu and gl the statistical weights, ΔE = hν the energy difference between the states, k is → Boltzmann's constant, and h→ Planck's constant. The higher the energy of the occupied states, the higher the excitation temperature. → excitation; → temperature. |
exclusion sokolân Fr.: exclusion An act or instance of excluding; the state of being excluded. Verbal noun of → exclude. |
exclusion principle parvaz-e sokolân Fr.: principe d'exclusion In → quantum mechanics, the principle according to which no → two → fermions of the same kind may simultaneously → occupy the same → quantum state. Also known as → Pauli exclusion principle. |
excretion osbâl Fr.: excrétion A process in which an astronomical body loses mass mainly in the direction of its → equatorial regions, as opposed to → accretion. |
excretion disk gerde-ye osbâl Fr.: disque d'excrétion An expanding → equatorial → disk or → torus of material ejected by a star. The phenomenon may result from a stellar → merger or an increase in its rate of → rotation or → stellar winds. Contrasted with → accretion disk. |
excursion zocâr Fr.: excursion 1) A short trip or outing to some place, usually for
a special purpose and with the intention of a prompt return. From L. excursion- "a running forth, expedition," figuratively "an outset, opening," from excurrere "to run out," from → ex- "out" + currere "to run," → current. Zocâr, literally "wander out, " from zo- "out," → ex-, + câr "to come and go, wander," related to car-, caridan "to psature, graze;" (Karingân) cârumé "excursion, walking around," (Sorxé) câqâle, (Sangesar, Semnân) ceqala "excursion;" Av. car- "to come and go, wander;" cf. Skt. car- "to move, walk, go;" Gk. pelomai "I move;" L. colere "to till, cultivate;" PIE root *kwelH- "to move, turn, wander." |
execution zokâreš Fr.: exécution The act of executing something; the state of being executed. |
exertion balizeš Fr.: effort; exercice 1) Vigorous action; physical or mental effort. |
exhaustion halanj Fr.: épuisement 1) The act or process of exhausting. |
expansion sopâneš (#) Fr.: expansion 1) General: The act or process of expanding; the state or quality of being
expanded. → expansion of the Universe. Noun from → expand. |
expansion of the Universe sopâneš-e giti (#) Fr.: expansion de l'Univers The receding of galaxies from one another at a speed proportional to their separation, as inferred by Edwin Hubble from the observed Doppler shift of distant galaxies. → Hubble constant describes the local rate of the expansion. |
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