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linear acceleration šetâb-e xatti Fr.: accélération linéaire The rate of change of the → linear velocity with time. It is defined by the expression Δv/Δt and is equal to the → first derivative of the → linear velocity. → linear; → acceleration. |
linear approximation nazdineš-e xatti Fr.: approximation linéaire Taking the first term in the Taylor series as an approximation to a mathematical function at a given point. → first approximation. → linear; → approximation. |
linear correlation hambâzâneš-e xatti Fr.: corrélation linéaire A measure of how well data points fit a straight line. When all the points fall on the line it is called a perfect correlation. When the points are scattered all over the graph there is no correlation. → linear; → correlation. |
linear differential equation hamugeš-e degarsâne-yi-ye xatti Fr.: équation différentielle linéaire An equation in which the → dependent variable y
and all its differential coefficients occur only
in the first degree. A linear differential equation of → order
order n has the form: → linear; → differential; → equation. |
linear equation hamugeš-e xatti Fr.: équation linéaire An equation composed of first degree variables and representing a straight line. |
linear function karyâ-ye xatti Fr.: fonction linéaire A function expressed by a → first degree equation that can be graphically represented in the → Cartesian coordinate plane by a → straight line. |
linear perturbation theory negare-ye partureš-e xatti Fr.: théorie de perturbation linéaire Assumption that the variations in the plasma parameters, due to the presence of waves, are small (to the first order) as compared to the undisturbed parameters. This makes it possible to linearize equations by dropping out second order (and higher) nonlinear terms. → linear; → perturbation; → theory. |
linear polarization qotbeš-e xatti (#) Fr.: polarisation linéaire Of an electromagnetic radiation, a → polarization in which the electric vibrations are confined to one plane along the direction of propagation. Also called → plane polarization. See also → circular polarization. → linear; → polarization. |
linear regression vâyâzi-ye xatti Fr.: regression linéaire In statistics, a regression method that establishes a linear relationship between two random variables. → linear; → regression. |
linearization xatteš, xattâneš Fr.: linéarisation A process of reduction to linear form by appropriate change of variables or by approximation. Verbal noun of → linearize. |
linearized differential equation hamugeš-e degarsâneyi-ye xatti Fr.: équation différentielle linéarisée A differential equation that has been derived from an original nonlinear equation. Linearized, p.p. of → linearize; → differential; → equation. |
lion šir (#) Fr.: lion A large, usually tawny-yellow cat, Panthera leo, native to Africa and southern Asia, having a tufted tail and, in the male, a large mane (dictionary.com). M.E., from O.Fr., variant of leon, from L. leon- (stem of leo), from Gk. leon. Mid.Pers. šagr "lion;" cf. Parth. šarg; Sogd. šarγu "lion;" its O.Pers. and Av. forms are not extant. Šir may be cognate with Skt. kēsarin- "lion; literally maned," from kēsar- "mane;" PIE *kaisar- "mane; hairs." If so, šir could be related to PIE *kaisaraka-, provided that the the initial *kai- is dropped and *saraka- has transformed in *sarg, šarg, šir. |
liquefaction âveš Fr.: liquéfaction 1) The act or process of liquefying or making liquid. |
local position invariance nâvartâyi-ye neheš-e mahali Fr.: invariance de position locale → Einstein equivalence principle. → local; → position; → invariance. |
localization mahal giri (#) Fr.: localisation The condition of the wave-function of an electron if it is confined to a small region of a large system rather than being extended through the system. Verbal noun of → localize. |
logarithmic extinction xâmuši-ye logâritmi Fr.: extinction logarithmique Same as → reddening coefficient. → logarithmic; → extinction. |
lognormal distribution vâbâžeš-e logâritmi-hanjârvar Fr.: distribution logarithmico-normale A → probability distribution in which the natural logarithm (logX) of the → random variable (X) has a → Gaussian distribution. → logarithm; → normal distribution. |
Lorentz contraction terengeš-e Lorentz Fr.: contraction de Lorentz The decrease in the length of a body moving in the direction of its length as measured by an observer situated in that direction. The shortening factor is [1 - (v/c)2]1/2, where v is the relative velocity and c light speed. → Lorentz; → contraction. |
Lorentz transformation tarâdis-e Lorentz Fr.: transformation de Lorentz A set of linear equations that expresses the time and space coordinates of one → reference frame in terms of those of another one when one frame moves at a constant velocity with respect to the other. In general, the Lorentz transformation allows a change of the origin of a coordinate system, a rotation around the origin, a reversal of spatial or temporal direction, and a uniform movement along a spatial axis. If the system S'(x',y',z',t') moves at the velocity v with respect to S(x,y,z,t) in the positive direction of the x-axis, the Lorentz transformations will be: x' = γ(x - vt), y' = y, z' = z, t' = γ [t - (vx/c2)], where c is the → velocity of light and γ = [1 - (v/c)2]-1/2. For the special case of velocities much less than c, the Lorentz transformation reduces to → Galilean transformation. → Lorentz; → transformation. |
low resolution keh vâgošud Fr.: faible résolution The quality of an instrument that lacks sufficient resolution for a specific observation. This is a relative quality, but presently a resolution below about 1 arcsecond. → low; → resolution. |
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