An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 1076
  نهش‌داد، نهشداد   

Fr.: positionnement   

The act or process of putting in a particular position or determining the psition of.

Verbal noun of → position; → -ing.


Fr.: positif   

1) General: Explicitly stated, stipulated, or expressed.
2) Capable of being measured, detected, or perceived.
3) Math.: Noting a quantity greater than zero.
4) Physics: Having an electrical charge of the same polarity as that of a proton.
5) Photography: Having colors or values of dark and light corresponding to the subject.
6) Philosophy: Relating to the theory that knowledge can be acquired only through direct observation and experimentation, and not through metaphysics or theology. → positivism.
7) Law: Conclusive and beyond doubt or question; irrefutable.
8) Opposite of → negative.
See also:
positive charge, → positive correlation, → positive feedback, → positive skewness, → positiveness, → positivism.

M.E., from O.Fr. positif, from L. positivus "placed, settled; positive" (opposed to naturalis "natural"), from posit-, from positus "placed, put," p.p. of ponere "to put, place, set" + -ivus a suffix of adjectives.

Dâhidâr, from dâhid- + -âr. The first component is the past stem of *dâhidan "to put, create, determine," variant of dehidan, dâdan "to give;" from Mid.Pers. dâdan, dahidan "to give; to create;" O.Pers. dā- "to give, grant, yield;" Av. dā- "to give, grant; put; create; determine;" dāhi "he would give/put" (single second person, subjunctive transitive), dadāiti "he gives;" cf. Skt. dadáti "he gives;" Gk. tithenai "to place, put, set," didomi "I give;" L. dare "to give, offer," facere "to do, to make;" Rus. delat' "to do;" O.H.G. tuon, Ger. tun, O.E. don "to do;" PIE base *dhe- "to put, to do." The second component -âr, accusative suffix; on the model of gereftâr "captive, involved (in trouble)," didâr "exposed to view."

positive charge
  بار ِ داهیدار   
bâr-e dâhidâr

Fr.: charge positive   

A charge having sign opposite to that of the electron.

positive; → charge.

positive correlation
  هم‌باز‌آنش ِ داهیدار   
hambâzâneš-e dâhidâr

Fr.: correlation positive   

Same as → direct correlation.

positive; → correlation.

positive feedback
  بازخورد ِ داهیدار   
bâzxord-e dâhidâr

Fr.: rétroaction positive   

A → feedback process in which the → output reacts on the → input so as to increase the initial → effect.

positive; → feedback.

positive skewness
  کژالی ِ داهیدار   
kažâli-ye dâhidâr

Fr.: asymétrie positive   

Of a distribution function, a skewness in which the right tail (tail at the large end of the distribution) is more pronounced than the left tail (tail at small end of the distribution). → negative skewness.

positive; → skewness.


Fr.: positivité   

The quality or state of being positive; positivity.

positive + → -ity.


Fr.: positivisme   

Any doctrine that excludes a priori affirmations and admits only positive truth, i.e. factual knowledge gained through observation.

From Fr. positivisme, from positif, → positive, in its philosophical sense of "imposed on the mind by experience;" → -ism.


Fr.: positron   

The → antiparticle of the → electron, which has the same → mass, → spin, and → electric charge as the electron, but the charge is → positive. Positrons may be generated by → radioactive decay or by → pair production from energetic → gamma ray photons.

From posi(tive), → positive + (elec)tronelectron.


Fr.: positronium   

A short-lived bound state of a positron and an electron.

From → positron + -ium (as in barium, titanium), from N.L., from L. neuter suffix.


Fr.: posseder   

1) To have as belonging to one; have as property; own.
2) To have as a faculty, quality, or the like.
3) Of a spirit, especially an evil one) to occupy, dominate, or control (a person) from within (

M.E. possesen, from M.Fr. possesser, "to have and hold, take, be in possession of," from L. possess-, p.p. stem of possidere "to have and hold, be master of, own," probably a compound of potis "having power, powerful, able," from PIE root *poti- "powerful; lord;" from which also derived Skt. patih "master, husband," Gk. posis, Lithuanian patis "husband" + sedere, from PIE root *sed-, "to → sit."

Dâreštidan, infinitive and back formation from dârešt, → possession.


Fr.: possession   

1) The act or fact of possessing; the state of being possessed.
2) A thing possessed (

possess; → -tion.

Dârešt, verbal noun of dâštan "to have, possess" (on the model of konešt, from kardan; xoršt, from xordan; bâlešt, from bâlidan; râmešt, from râmidan; (Lori) zenešt, from zadan; (Nowdân, Fârs) perešt, from paridan); Mid.Pers. dâr-, dâštan "to have, hold, preserve;" O.Pers./Av. dar- "to hold, keep back, maintain, keep in mind;" Skt. dhr- "to hold, keep, preserve," dharma- "what is established or firm; law;" Gk. thronos "elevated seat, throne," L. firmus "firm, stable," Lith. daryti "to make," PIE *dher- "to hold, support."


Fr.: possession   

1) Of or relating to possession or ownership.
2) having or showing an excessive desire to possess, control, or dominate.
3) Denoting an inflected form of a noun or pronoun used to convey the idea of possession, association, etc.; the possessive case (

possess; → -tion.

possessive case
  کاته‌ی ِ دارشتی   
kâte-ye dârešti

Fr.: genetif   

Same as → genitive case.

possessive; → case.


Fr.: possibilité   

The state or fact of being possible. Something possible.

M.E. possibilite, from L.L. possibilitas, → possible + → -ity.

ŠÃ¢yani, from šÃ¢yan, → possible.


Fr.: possible   

1) Capable of happening or likely to happen in the future.
2) Capable of being real, present, or true.

M.E., from L. possibilis "that may be done," from posse "to be able" + -ibilis "-able."

ŠÃ¢yan, from Mid.Pers. šÃ¢yan "possible," from stem šÃ¢y- "to be able, possible, to be worthy," relatd to Pers. šÃ¢yad "perhaps" (literally, "it is fitting"), šÃ¢yestan "to be appropriate," šÃ¢yân "fitting, suitable, possible;" šÃ¢h "king;" Zazaki šinây, šÃ¢yiš "to be able;" Gazi šÃ¢- "to be able;" Abyâne-yi) ešÃ¶/šo-; Naini šÃ¢/ši- "to be able;" Av. xša- "to be able; rule."

  ۱) برنما؛ ۲) برنمودن، برنما کردن   
1) barnemâ; 2) barnemudan, bernemâ kardan

Fr.: 1) affiche; 2) afficher   

1a) An online message that is submitted to a message board or electronic mailing list.
1b) Text, images, etc., that are placed on a website.
2a) To affix (a notice, bulletin, etc.) to a post, wall, or the like.
2b) To place (text, images, etc.) on a website (

M.E., from O.E. post "pillar, doorpost," and O.Fr. post "post, upright beam," both from L. postis "post, doorpost."

Barnemâ, literally "display, show off," from bar- "on; up; upon; in," → on-, + nemâ, present stem of nemudan "to show," → display.

  پسا-، پس-   
pasâ- (#), pas- (#)

Fr.: post-   

A prefix, meaning "behind, after, later, subsequent to, posterior to."

From L. post (adverb and preposition) "behind, after, afterward," cognate with Gk. (Arcadian and Cyprian dialects) pos "toward, on, at;" Skt. paśca "behind, after, later."

Pasâ-, from pas "behind" (e.g.: pas-e pardé "behind the curtain"), variant pošt "back; the back; behind;" Mid.Pers. pas "behind, before, after;" O.Pers. pasā "after;" Av. pasca "behind (of space); then, afterward (of time);" cf. Skt. paścā "behind, after, later;" L. post, as above; O.C.S. po "behind, after;" Lith. pas "at, by;" PIE *pos-, *posko-.

post-asymptotic giant branch star (post-AGB)
  ستاره‌ی ِ پسا-شاخه‌ی ِ غولان ِ ناهمساوی   
setâre-ye pasâ-šâxe-ye qulân-e nâhamsâvi

Fr.: étoile post-asymptotique   

A star in a short-lived evolutionary stage evolving from the → asymptotic giant branch toward higher → effective temperatures. The majority of low and intermediate mass stars (1 to 8 → solar masses) are believed to pass through this stage on their way to becoming → planetary nebulae.

post-; → asymptotic giant branch.

post-main sequence star
  ستاره‌ی ِ پسا-رشته‌ی ِ فریست   
setâre-ye pasâ-rešte-ye farist

Fr.: étoile post séquence principale   

A star that has evolved off the → main sequence.

post-; → main sequence; → star.

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