An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 3106 Search : on
Washington Double Star Catalog
  کاتالوگ ِ ستارگان ِ دوتایی ِ واشینگتن   
kâtâlog-e setâregân-e dotâyi-ye Washington

Fr.: Washington Double Star Catalogue   

A stellar catalog which is the world's principal database of astrometric → double star information. It is maintained by the United States Naval Observatory. The WDS Catalog contains positions (J2000), discoverer designations, epochs, position angles, separations, magnitudes, spectral types, proper motions, and, when available, Durchmusterung numbers and notes for the components of 142552 systems (as of Feb 27 2018).

Washington, referring to the location of the United States Naval Observatory in Northwest Washington, D.C; → double; → star; → catalog.

wave equation
  هموگش ِ موج   
hamugeš-e mowj

Fr.: équation d'onde   

The partial differential equation 2U / ∂2x + ∂2U / ∂2y + ∂2U / ∂2z = (1/c2) ∂2U / ∂2t or its counterparts in one or two dimensions or in other coordinates, the solution of which represents the propagation of displacementU as waves with velocity c.

wave; → equation.

wave function
  کریای ِ موج   
karyâ-ye mowj

Fr.: fonction d'onde   

In → quantum mechanics, the function of space and time that satisfies → Schrodinger equation. The square of the modulus of its amplitude at any point represents the probability of finding a particle there.

wave; → function.

  پیشان ِ موج، موج-پیشان   
pišân-e mowj, mowj-pišân

Fr.: front d'onde   

The locus of adjacent points possessing the same phase in the path of a wave motion. Its surface is uniform (spherical or plane) and normal to propagation direction in an isotropic medium. → wavefront distortion.

wave; → front.

wavefront correction
  ارشایش ِ پیشان ِ موج   
aršâyeš-e pišân-e mowj

Fr.: correction de front d'onde   

In → adaptive optics, eliminating the effects of atmospheric turbulence on the wavefront of the object being observed. → wavefront distortion.

wavefront; → correction.

wavefront distortion
  چولگی ِ پیشان ِ موج   
cowlegi-ye pišân-e mowj

Fr.: distortion de front d'onde   

The disruption of the spherical shape of a wavefront due to atmospheric turbulence which makes the adjacent points in the wavefront out of phase.

wavefront; → distortion.

wavefront sensor
  حسگر ِ پیشان ِ موج   
hessgar-e pišân-e mowj

Fr.: analyseur de front d'onde   

In adaptive optics, a device that analyzes the light sample coming from the wavefront and determines the error in each part of the beam. The wavefront sensor used in adaptive optics is a → Shack-Hartmann type, which works in conjunction with a deformable mirror.

wavefront; → sensor.

wavefront tilt
  گرای ِ پیشان ِ موج   
gerâ-ye pišân-e mowj

Fr.: inclinaison du front d'onde   

The average slope in both the X and Y directions of a → wavefront or phase profile across the pupil of an optical system.

wavefront; → tilt.

waxing moon
  مانگ ِ فزاینده   
mâng-e fazâyandé (#)

Fr.: lune montante   

The circumstance when the phase of the Moon is increasing from → new moon to → full moon.

waxing; → moon.

weak emission-line central star (wel)
  ستاره‌ی ِ مرکزی با خط ِ گسیلی ِ نزار   
setâre-ye markazi bâ xatt-e gosili-ye nezâr

Fr.: étoile centrale à faibles raies d'émission   

A member of a class of cntral stars of planetary nebula, → CSPN, which have weaker and narrower emission lines than → Wolf-Rayet-like CSPNe (Tylenda et al. 1993, A&AS 102, 595).

weak; → emission; → line.

weak gravitational lensing
  لنزش ِ گرانشی ِ نزار   
lenzeš-e gerâneši-ye nezâr

Fr.: effet de lentille gravitationnelle faible   

A gravitational bending of light by structures in the Universe that distorts the images of distant galaxies. The distortion allows the distribution of → dark matter and its evolution with time to be measured, thereby probing the influence of → dark energy on the growth of structures. Weak gravitational lensing is generally difficult to identify in individual images, in contrast to → strong gravitational lensing (see, e.g., Bartelmann & Peter Schneider, 2001, Phys. Rept. 340, 291).

weak; → gravitational; → lensing.

weak interaction
  اندرژیرش ِ نزار، ~ کمزور   
andaržireš-e nezâr, ~ kamzvr

Fr.: interaction faible   

One of the fundamental forces of nature that accounts for some particle interaction, such as → beta decay (→ radioactivity), the decay of free → neutrons, → neutrino interactions, and so forth. It is short-ranged, dominating at distances of 10-16 cm and occurs at a rate slower than that of the → strong interaction by a factor of about 10-13, hence its name. Although the weak interaction also includes interactions in which no neutrinos are emitted, neutrino emission accompanies all weak interactions of interest to astrophysics. Weak interaction plays an important role in the evolution of the stars from birth to death. For example, the → proton-proton reaction is a weak interaction. Also called → weak force or → weak nuclear force.

weak; → interaction.

Weierstrass approximation theorem
  فربین ِ نزدینش ِ وایرشتراس   
farbin-e nazdineš-e Weierstrass

Fr.: théorème d'approximation de Weierstrass   

If a function φ(x) is continuous on a closed interval [a,b], then for every ε > 0 there exists a polynomial P(x) such that |f(x) - P(x)| <ε, for every x in the interval.

After German mathematician Karl Wilhelm Theodor Weierstrass (1815-1897); → approximation; → theorem.

weight concentration
  دبزش ِ وزنی   
dabzeš-e vazni

Fr.: concentration en poids   

of a gas included in the composition of a → gas mixture, the ratio of mass of this gas to the mass of the whole mixture. Same as → weight fraction and → weight-fraction concentration.

weight; → concentration.

weight fraction
  برخه‌ی ِ وزنی   
barxe-ye vazni

Fr.: fraction en poids   

Same as → weight concentration.

weight; → fraction.

weight-fraction concentration
  برخه‌ی ِ وزنی ِ دبزش   
barxe-ye vazni-ye dabzeš

Fr.: concentration en poids   

Same as → weight concentration.

weight; → fraction; → concentration.

western elongation
  درازش ِ باختری   
derâzeš-e bâxtari

Fr.: élongation ouest   

The position of a planet when it is visible in the eastern sky before dawn.

western; → elongation.

Wheatstone bridge
  پل ِ ویتستون   
pol-e Wheatstone

Fr.: pont de Wheatstone   

An device consisting of four → resistances in series, used to determine the value of an unknown electrical resistance when the other three resistances are known.

Named after Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875), British physicist, who extensively used the circuit (1843) but was not its inventor. Such an arrangement of four resistances was first used by Samuel Hunter Christie (1784-1865) in 1833; → bridge.

Wheeler-DeWitt equation
  هموگش ِ ویلر-دویت   
hamugeš-e Wheeler-DeWitt

Fr.: équation de Wheeler-DeWitt   

In → quantum gravity, an equation that describes the → wave function of the → Universe. It is an adaptation of the → Schrodinger equation but includes the curved space attributes of → general relativity.

Named after American theoretical physicists John Archibald Wheeler (1911-2008) and Bryce Seligman DeWitt (1923-2004).

white dwarf crystallization
  بلورش ِ سفیدکوتوله   
bolureš-e sefid kutulé

Fr.: cristallisation de naine blanche   

The most important phenomenon occurring during → white dwarf evolution, which results from its cooling. Crystallization is a → phase transition whereby → latent heat is released. At the cooler end of a white dwarf's life (→ cooling time), the → thermal energy of nuclei, which are positively charged ions, becomes small and the effects of electrostatic interaction on the motion of ions become important. The ions repel each other and their distribution will be such that the → Coulomb energy per ion is a minimum. This will cause the ions to form crystal-like lattice structures. As the star cystallizes it releases latent heat, providing an additional energy source that slows the cooling process compared to the → Mestel theory. Once the bulk of the white dwarf is crystalline, heat can travel through the star more easily and the white dwarf cools faster.

white; → dwarf; → crystallization.

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